
The university places the improvement of education before everything else and persists in regarding education reform as the heart of all other reforms of the university. Beginning 1986, the university made an investment of nearly 10 million yuan (RMB) in developing funds for reform in education and improvement of educational facilities for basic courses and building of educational bases so as to enable disciplines to cross and science and engineering to combine. Beginning 1980, the university established the award for excellent teaching quality,the award for achievements in teaching reseach,award for excellent papers and award for excellent textbooks one after another.attention is given to bringing into play the comprehensive superiority of the university in training qualified students of a mixed type through permentation between liberal arts and sceince and combination of science with engineering.Emphasis is placed on the development of the abilities of students.The practice of selection of major and minor,dual programs and joint degrees will be adopted for trial implementation to encourage the development of the individuality of students so that talent will be showing itself.In the discussion and election of awards for remarkable achievements in education in regular institutions of higer education in China for 1989 and 1993, 9achievements by the university won awards at the national level,of which one was a special-class award. In the discussion and election of awards for excellent textbooks for use in China's regular institution of higher education for 1988 and 1992 HUST won one special class award and 7 excellence awards at the national level. Our students have won awards again and again in iternationally and domistically sponesored contest in mathematics,English,computer application and architectural design. In the already held 3"Challenge Cup" Scientific Writing Contests for college studenta of Chona,HUST was the only university that obtained good results for three contests in succession. Students of our university twice won the grand prix for architectural design in international contests.