华中科技大学校友论坛 休斯顿
HUST Alumni Forum
[Houston] 2007 Annual meeting on Oct. 28
--- houston (451 bytes) 【图】
“天涯共明月”:姜昆等十余位中国演艺界大腕级明星10月12日来休斯敦献艺 --- houston 2007/09/17 19:39 (2263 bytes) |
[Houston]HUSTAA 2007 annual meeting preparation
--- houston 2007/09/17 13:50 (735 bytes)
[Houston]金融税务系列讲座---"怎样增长和保护你的退休资产" --- houston 2007/09/17 13:44 (834 bytes) |
校友会协办的"21世纪中国:留学人员与构建创新型社会"研讨会圆满举行 --- houston 2007/08/11 13:49 (1209 bytes) 【图】 |
[Houston]猪年拱金猪第十届华夏杯拱猪比赛 --- houston 2007/04/25 19:21 (1551 bytes) |
[Houston] Petroleum Engineering translator needed 30/4-3/5 --- houston 2007/04/25 19:16 (348 bytes) |
[Houston]Camping and annual meeting change due to severe weather --- houston 2007/04/07 08:59 (1192 bytes) |
校友在多维网上参加征文比赛,请投一票 --- houston 2007/03/27 21:20 (412 bytes) |
[Houston]专协和联合校友会举办中国大学校长见面会和晚宴 --- houston 2007/03/19 21:10 (1479 bytes) |
[Houston Alumni camping and annual meeting April 6-8
--- houston 2007/03/10 22:44 (1172 bytes)
[Houston] 免费元宵节餐卷(March 4) --- houston 2007/02/22 21:48 (479 bytes) |
--- houston 2007/01/29 09:48 (2410 bytes)
[Houston] Tongji Party --- houston 2006/11/20 21:05 (922 bytes) 【图】 |
--- best 2006/08/16 02:20 (253 bytes)
庄仲江,你好 --- yu-mengzhu 2006/06/03 00:52 (697 bytes) |
〖休斯顿〗2006春季野餐与露营照片 --- houston 2006/05/09 09:59 (399 bytes) 【图】 |
HUST In Houston 2006 Spring Picnic/Camping (May 6-7)
--- houston 2006/04/25 11:06 (1611 bytes)
[Houston] Excel/VBA Seminar by Yongjun Chen --- houston 2006/03/02 14:38 (202 bytes) |
[Houston] Lantern Festival Celebration Sunday Feb. 12 --- houston 2006/02/08 10:48 (1612 bytes) 【图】 |
More pictures of annual meeting --- houston 2006/02/07 13:32 (158 bytes) |
Urgent: Environmental Experts Needed in China --- houston 2005/12/13 15:28 (924 bytes) 【图】 |
UACA Christmas party: Volunteers needed to represent HUSTAA
--- houston 2005/12/02 10:02 (1150 bytes)
休斯顿中国联合校友会圣诞新年联欢晚会(12/17) --- houston 2005/11/29 09:27 (2176 bytes) |
[houston] HUSTAA 2004-2005 年度大事记 --- houston 2005/11/22 12:26 (4315 bytes) |
CAPST Annual Convention --- cai 2005/10/26 08:03 (3604 bytes) |
[Houston] Annual Meeting Announcement (Nov. 6) --- houston 2005/10/26 07:53 (2600 bytes) 【图】 |
[Houston] Annual Meeting on Nov. 6 (Sunday) --- houston 2005/10/19 08:49 (2234 bytes) |
飓风丽塔XX记(九)反思 --- 老蔡 2005/10/18 08:36 (3312 bytes) |
飓风丽塔XX记(八)后记 --- 老蔡 2005/10/17 08:58 (2558 bytes) |
飓风丽塔XX记(七)一场虚惊 --- 老蔡 2005/10/14 07:45 (2991 bytes) |