A cardiovascular Surgeon?

none 发表于 2001/10/06 20:28 华中科技大学校友论坛 (www.hust.org)

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He claims that he was a famed cardiovascular surgeon with a doctor degree

from Australia. Can you believe a cardiovascular surgeon from the western world

who is doing a garbage business in Wuhan. The only thing we should believe him

is he may send money to high guys for his own benifit. He even can use a

faked event by missing a wrong plane which is not crashed into the WTO for

his personal publicity. It seems the money from China are so easy to cheat.


湖北学子睡懒觉误班机与“9-11”事件擦肩而过 --- cai 2001/09/26 09:43 (1296 bytes)

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